Equine Fascial Integration Therapy (EFIT)

The EFIT series of structural Integration seeks long-lasting changes in your horse’s body, movement, and posture. Actuality Equine offers this comprehensive approach to fascial health in 2-hour appointment blocks that include high-quality bodywork, thorough intake and evaluation of the horse and the environment, written session notes, progress videos, and personalized resources and coaching in postural exercises to support the work between sessions.

Pricing includes travel, and all above services:

Price per session: $200 [Sliding scale $170-$200]

Mini-series (Session 0 and 1): $400

[Sliding scale $340 - $400]

Half Series (Session 0, 1, 2, 3): $800

[Sliding scale $680 - $800]

Full Series (Session 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6): $1400

[Sliding scale $1190 - $1400]

Supplementary anatomy education programs with real horse bones are available at the request of the guardian. These programs are pay-what-you-can (suggested: $50 in addition to session fee) and correlate to the specific goals of each session of the EFIT series. These programs aim to empower equine guardians with a hands-on approach to osteology education, and an open dialogue.

Session 0: Comprehensive history of horse including medical, emotional, nutritional, equipment, training and conditioning history reviewed and discussed. Diagnostic imaging and veterinary reports, and notes from non-vet professionals reviewed and discussed. Comprehensive movement evaluation, range of motion and palpation testing, EFIT session work, progress videos, and session notes are included with all EFIT sessions

Session 1: Superficial session begins the process of Structural Integration by addressing the tissues of the skin and the large fascial sheets covering the body.

Session 2: A session of differentiating the muscle bodies, joint spaces, and tendons of the pelvic girdle, thoracic sling, and distal limbs.

Session 3: A session of differentiating the large oblique sheets of muscles and fascia that involve the ribs, the spine, and the head.

Session 4: A deep session of addressing core constrictions - old patterns of compensation, focused scar work, specific rotations or shifts that are unique to the individual

Session 5: A deep session of addressing specific imbalances - continuing to address old patterns of compensation and scars, addressing new compensation that are developing alongside the changed relationship with gravity, and further reorganization of specific rotations or shifts

Session 6: A deep session of integration - reuniting the parts into a whole functioning unit. Deepening the body’s understanding of how to interact with gravity in more sustainable and efficient ways.

Session timing is unique to the individual - the full series can take anywhere from 3 months to a full year to move through. Schedule a consultation for more information about session timing.